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Guidelines for Authors

Journal of Educational Research is a triple blind peer reviewed open access
Journal published twice a year in June and December. The primary aim of the Journal is to encourage and coordinate research in all areas of education. Authors are desired to submit their research to the journal through email ID jer1994@gmail.com according to the following guidelines:

  1. Reports of original educational research, reviews of recent research in all areas of education or discussion article on the topics of education are preferred. The articles submitted to JER should not be published anywhere in the world and not being considered for publication by any other Journal.
  2. The articles should be in English.
  3. The article should begin with 150-200 words abstract preferably having maximum five key words.
  4. The length of the article should not normally exceed 4000 words.
  5. Pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the page after the title page.
  6. The intrinsic interest of the article, conciseness and clarity are important considerations.
  7. Technical jargon should be avoided and where possible statistical data should be summarized in the text. Although tables may be included in the text if clearly presented.
  8. Authors are encouraged to describe their findings in terms of intelligible to the non-expert reader.
  9. The journal has zero tolerance for plagiarism.
  10. For reference APA manual 7th edition should be followed.
  11. Material, ideas and views expressed in the articles published in JER belong to authors and do not reflect the policy of the journal.
  12. Authors can download the soft copy of their paper from the website of the journal i.e. jer.iub.edu.pk/er Moreover; hard copy of the journal can be had from the editorial office.
  13. Inquires, comments and suggestions are welcome at email ID of the Journal:

The Chairman
Editorial Board,
Department of Education,
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan

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Contact details such as names and email addresses of the persons available at the website of Journal of Educational Research are only for the use of Journal of Educational Research.

Open Access Policy

Journal of Educational Research is fully committed to provide online open access to its readers for the sake of academic excellence. All the published content is made immediately available to the readers through free download from the website of the journal. The open access policy of the Journal definitely helps to promote research culture throughout the globe without any restriction.

Conflict of Interest Policy

 It is the sole responsibility the corresponding author to provide statement of no conflict of interest among the authors as well as institutions before processing the article for publication.  If conflict of interest appears among the authors or institution after publication of the manuscript the journal reserves the rights to publish correction, retraction when and wherever it is required.

Processing Agreement

The corresponding author needs to certify that s/he is fully authorized to initiate the process of publication with journal of educational research. Furthermore the submitted work is genuine piece of unpublished research, not under consideration of any other journal for publication. It does not violate any of the publication ethics. The article does not include any objectionable material which may come under the copy right violation, breaching confidentiality and authenticity and causing any damage to the users.

© 2017 All Rights Reserved. Journal of Educational Research. The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Pakistan